Many would be in a situation where the one aggregate is free and other aggregate is full or most used. In order to balance there is an online option in Netapp called vol move, which moves the volume from one aggregate to the other on the fly without a downtime.Few conditions for moving:Vol move can be performed only on aggregates in the same controller
This feature is available only from Ontap 8.0
There should not be any CIFS or NFS in that volume only FC
Make sure the volume is unexported using the command exportfs -u before any vol move, as any volume by default will be added to the exportfs directory.
Vol move start <vol name> <destination aggregate>
Progress of this vol move can be monitored in snapmirror status
Example of vol move in action:
filer1*> exportfs -u /vol/vol_003
Vol move start vol_3 aggr1
filer1*> Creation of volume ‘ndm_dstvol_1368700289′ with size 21990232552 on containing aggregate
‘aggr1′ has completed.
Volume ‘ndm_dstvol_1368700289′ is now restricted.
Thu MayThu May 16 16:01:45 IST [filer1:v 16 16:ol.move.transferStart:info]: Baseline transfer from volume vol_003 to ndm_dstvol_1368700289 started.
01:45 IST [filer1:vol.move.transferStart:info]: Baseline transfer from volume vol_003 to ndm_dstvol_1368700289 started.
Transfer started.
Monitor progress with ‘snapmirror status’ or the snapmirror log.
filer1*> snapmirror status
Snapmirror is on.
Source Destination State Lag Status filer1:ndm_dstvol_1368700289 Uninitialized – Transferring (19 GB done)
filer1:vol_001 filer2:vol_001 Source 12:19:43 Idle
filer1:vol_002 filer2:vol_002 Source 11:49:35 Idle
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