Monday, August 25, 2014

CIFS share creation

Create a volume( assuming we have created a volume vol1)

Import the volume to the vfiler

vfiler add vfiler1 /vol/vol1

vfiler1 is the vfiler where we are hosting the CIFS

qtree creation :

qtree create <complete volume name with qtree >

qtree create /vol/vol1/qtree1

change the security style of the qtree

qtree security < complete qtree path> ntfs

qtree security /vol/vol1/qtree1 ntfs

cifs shares -add <cifsname> <complete qtree path>

cifs shares -add cifs1 /vol/vol1/qtree1 ( where cifs1 is the cifs share name)

deleting the everyone full control ( by default when a cifs is created it will be with everyone full control access)

cifs access – delete cifs1 everyone full (this deletes the everyone full access for the cifs)

adding user groups to cifs

cifs access <cifsname> domain\groupname full

cifs access cifs1 domain1\group1 full

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