Allocate 20G NFS storage to server1 with root, read-write access and set up replication for the newly created volume.
Step:1 Connect to the filer via ssh
ssh filer1
Step:2 Create thin Volume with name volA of 20g on aggr1
vol create volA -s none aggr1 20g
Step:3 Set volume Options
vol options volA snapshot_clone_dependency on
vol options volA try_first volume_grow
vol options volA create_ucode on
Step:4 Set snap options
snap reserve volA 0
snap autodelete volA on
snap autodelete volA commitment destroy
snap autodelete volA destroy_list vol_clone
snap autodelete volA trigger volume
snap autodelete volA target_free_space 5
snap autodelete volA delete_order oldest_first
snap autodelete volA defer_delete scheduled
snap sched volA 0 0 0@0
Step:5 Setup Single instance storage (deduplication)
sis on /vol/volA
sis config -s sun-sat@11 /vol/volA
Step:6 Edit exports file on the filer ---> Be very cautious
You can do this in different ways, I typically have a script that runs from my linux box to grab the exports file from filer /etc/exports to edit and send it back. If CIFS is enabled, you can edit it from your local note pad as well.
If you want to do it from filer, be extra cautious - if not you are FIRED!
wrfile /etc/exports
/vol/volA -sec=sys,rw=server1,root=server1,nosuid
Step:7 Refresh exports, validate
exportfs -a
rdfile /etc/exports
Step:8 Setup replication by logging into destination filer
ssh filer2
Step: 9 Create Replication Volume volA
vol create volA -s none aggr1 20g
Step: 10 Set volume Options
vol options volA snapshot_clone_dependency on
vol options volA try_first volume_grow
vol options volA create_ucode on
Step:11 Create Snapmirror relationship between source and target volume
snapmirror initialize -S filer1:volA filer2:volA
Step:12 Update Snapmirror config file to setup a job for updating the new volumes every 4 hours
wrfile /etc/snapmirror.conf
filer1:volA filer2:volA - 0 0-23/4 * *
Step:13 Validate
df -h volA
snapmirror status
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