Vfiler Description:
The vfiler command controls the configuration
of Virtual Filers (vfilers) on a filer.
The vfiler command is available only if your
filer has the vfiler license.
vfiler create vfilername [-n] [-s ipspace ] -i
ipaddr [-i ipaddr ]… path [ path ...]
There are two ways to create a vfiler. The
first uses the -i option to specify configuration information on the command
line. Use this form when creating a vfiler for the first time
ex: fas3170> vfiler create test -s ipspace1
-i /vol/fas6080a_vfiler1_root
vfiler create vfilername -r path
The second form uses the -r option to
re-create a vfiler from configuration information stored in the specified data
set. Use this form when creating a vfiler from a data store that has been
Snapmirrored between filers.
Note: When re-creating a Snapmirrored vfiler
using the vfiler create vfilername -r path form of the command, the specified
vfiler_name parameter must match the name of the original vfile exactly, and
the path must match the first path that was specified in the vfiler create
command that originally created the vfiler.
vfiler destroy [-f] vfilername
vfiler rename old_vfilername new_vfilername
vfiler add vfilername [-f] [-i ipaddr [-i
ipaddr]…] [ path [ path ...]]
The add subcommand adds the specified IP
addresses and/or paths to an existing vfiler. The arguments have the same rules
as those specified during the initial create. The -f option skips the
confirmation and warnings.
fas3170> vfiler add fas3170_vfiler2 /vol/fas6080b_vfiler1_nas_clone
vfiler remove vfilername [-f] [-i ipaddr [-i
ipaddr]…] [ path [path ...]]
vfiler limit [ max_vfilers ]
NOTE: to increase this value, you must reboot
for it to take effect. Limits are based
on memory. In failover mode, a node can
handle double the vfilers to handle the cluster partner. The simulator is limited to 5 and defaults to
Controllers with <1GB RAM 11 max
Controllers with >=1GB RAM 26 max vFilers
Controllers with >=2GB Ram 65 max vFilers
vfiler move vfiler_from vfiler_to [-f] [-i
ipaddr [-i ipaddr]…] [path [path ...]]
vfiler start vfilertemplate
vfiler stop vfilertemplate
vfiler status [-r|-a] [ vfilertemplate]
vfiler run [-q] vfilertemplate command [args]
vfiler allow vfilertemplate [proto=cifs]
[proto=nfs] [proto=rsh] [proto=iscsi] [proto=ftp] [proto=http]
vfiler disallow vfilertemplate [proto=cifs]
[proto=nfs] [proto=rsh] [proto=iscsi] [proto=ftp] [proto=http]
vfiler context vfilername
vfiler dr configure [-l user:password ] [-e
ifname:IP address:netmask, ... ] [-d dns_server_ip:... ] [-n nis_server_ip:...
] [-s ] remote_vfiler@remote_filer
vfiler dr status remote_vfiler@remote_filer
vfiler dr delete [-f]
vfiler dr activate remote_vfiler@remote_filer
vfiler dr resync [-l
remote_login:remote_passwd ] [-a alt_src, alt-dst ] [-s
vfiler migrate [-m nocopy [-f]] [-l
user:password ] [-e ifname:IP address:netmask, ... ]remote_vfiler@remote_filer
vfiler migrate start [-l user:password ] [-e
ifname:IP address:netmask, ... ]remote_vfiler@remote_filer
vfiler migrate status
vfiler migrate cancel
vfiler migrate complete remote_vfiler@remote_filer
vfiler help
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